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Ko Mākeo te maunga

Ko Waiaua te awa

Ko Omarumutu te marae

Ko Tutāmure te whare tipuna

Ko Hine-i-Kauia te wharekai

Ko Ngati Ruatakenga te hapū

Ko Te Whakatōhea te iwi

Kō Nukutere te waka

Ko Annette Papuni-Mclellan tōku ingoa

I have a varied professional career, Bank Manager, NZ Police, local government and the education sector.

However I have always had a passion for assisting people and our communities in whatever capacity I am able to contribute. I am involved in a number of community organisations at both management and governance levels.

I am a life member of the Māori Womens Welfare League, which has instilled in me the values and principals of always helping others to achieve their goals. As a Justice of the Peace for over 10 years this role is all about helping the community.

The vision for me is to empower people and communities in whatever capacity we can. If we all have the ability to help someone we should in whatever way we can, collectively and collaboratively this can be a powerful tool to positive communities.

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